Special offers

Sports mouthguard

We want to be able to discharge our patients from treatment with healthy and straight teeth.
However, sports accidents often occur that ruin the beautiful result.
This can be prevented with a sports mouthguard.
In America, this mouthguard is recommended for more than 40 sports, e.g. basketball, boxing, grass field hockey, ice hockey, soccer, self-defense sports, skating, skateboarding, skiing, squash, volleyball, etc.

Prophylaxis / oral hygiene

Professional teeth cleaning is pure “oral wellness”!

This offer is aimed at my adult patients and is also aimed at the patients’ parents.
Why shouldn’t we look after you too?
If you have any questions, please contact me or my team.

Tooth jewelry

Dental jewelry is particularly popular with young people.
From a medical point of view, there is nothing to be said against it.
But if dental jewelry, then only on clean and well-groomed teeth.
We use dental jewelry from various manufacturers, including Swarowski, and will be happy to show you a selection of different stones.
Talk to our staff, we will be happy to advise you and your children.

Further services of our practice

Junger Mann zeigt sein Lächeln nach Zahnbehandlung in München

Temporomandibular joint disorders

Lächelndes Kind zeigt seine Zähne nach Zahnbehandlung in München


The almost invisible splint therapy


No more tooth decay!


Sporty on the road?

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