Prophylaxis / oral hygiene

No more tooth decay! Wouldn’t that be nice?

No cavities, no pain, no drilling, no fillings!
And all this just through proper dental care!

How does this work?
Through individual prophylaxis or through targeted individual prophylaxis!

You probably know that a prophylaxis program has been run by statutory health insurance companies and dentists since 1988.
All children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 can take part in this program.

Individual prophylaxis

Especially with “fixed braces”, oral hygiene is particularly important and a special concern in my practice.
It is not the braces that cause tooth decay, but poor dental hygiene that causes the “holes”!
I therefore recommend that all my patients take part in an individual dental care program to keep the risk of tooth decay as low as possible.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Oral hygiene concept for children

Poor oral hygiene is a risk factor that impairs the success of treatment.
Fixed braces in particular make daily oral hygiene more difficult.
Our patients receive a starter set of individual aids, which they can buy from us again and again, and are supported in proper hygiene.
Our special oral hygiene concept and an examination with the “caries detective” (DIAGNOdent®) reduce the risk of caries and thus prevent carious changes.

Professional teeth cleaning

My treatments also serve dental health.
The aim is “healthy, straight and shiny teeth”.
My staff carry out the prophylactic treatments paid for by the statutory health insurance companies.
Unfortunately, these measures are often not sufficient.
That is why I offer orthodontic prophylaxis.
We will be happy to provide you with information and also carry out a small oral hygiene test.


Airflow® is the “gentle cure” for tartar and discolored solid plaque, e.g. caused by food, medication and stimulants such as coffee, tea, nicotine or red wine.
A gently pulsating jet of water removes plaque from the teeth without damaging the tooth structure, enamel or gums.
After this intensive cleaning , bacteria can find it difficult to adhere to the tooth surfaces.

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